Sunday, July 31, 2011

They Arrived!!

Well Brian and I finally got what we've been asking for. Our boxes, furniture and wedding gifts...although we knew our stuff would "fit" in our new apartment, it was only after the boxes took up our entire living room that we realized we had A LOT of STUFF. But we were happy to have a table, couch and overall we were very happy to have it all. I guess really it just gives me something to do throughout the weekdays. Here are some nice photos of what our apartment now looks like. (But I'm committed to it not staying this way...otherwise I'll become claustrophobic) Oh and don't forget how empty our apartment was from the previous posting.

AHH It was pretty crazy there the first few hours that the house looked like this. Luckily, we've been working on the pile and it's coming along pretty well. Our couch is at least unwrapped and placed correctly on it's 3 legs (the movers broke one of it's legs...sticking us with only 3)

That night Brian came home pretty late but I made us some pesto pasta Yumm. So here is a picture of our first dinner (at a table) in our new apartment!

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