Thursday, July 21, 2011

20 Month Anniversary

Brian and I have been together for 20 months today and we feel pretty blessed to have everything that we have! We are about to have been married for 3 weeks and so far we've done a lot. Besides all the military enrollments we've had to squeeze in between lunch breaks of Brian's busy days (mililtary ID, medical, dental etc.) we've also been arranging a move into our new apartment. When I first moved to OK (July 4th) we initially were squished into Brian's bachelor dorm for  a week until our move in day for our off base apartment. On July 11th we became a state recognized roomate couple (haha) that would reside in Indian Oaks Apartments. It was pretty neat to get keys to our first apartment as a married couple. Through out the week I moved our stuff from the dorm to the apt which, by the way, had (still has) no furniture.

Here is our beautiful doormat :)
Here is our Kitchen:
 Our Living Room:
And Bedroom:

As you can see there is not too much going on yet. But soon (hopefully VERY soon) the military movers will move our furniture from AZ to OK. Oh and no, we're not sleeping on the floor. Brian has a nice friend that loaned us a bed until ours arrives, there really are good people out there!! :]

Oh and here is a nice photo of Brian and I in our new apartment the night we got our keys (and after we brought all our bags up the stairs...aka the reason for no makeup on my part)


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Love, love the Welcome Mat! May Happiness always cross your doorway.
