Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goodbye Enid

After a long and challenging process of academics, early morning flights and the dreaded simulator flights the Cobra class that I have come to know and love very much are finally done. They completed this phase of training and are now already assigned their next "tracks" they are to follow in the aviation community. Specifically for Brian and another Navy friend of ours, they got the track of the T45.

This means Brian is officially guaranteed "tailhook" aircraft by the US Navy. He will one day be landing on an aircraft carrier daily and be getting paid to do so. His ultimate goal is the F 18 and hopefully through a little more training he will be able to obtain that goal. By being selected to the T45 track, Brian and I will be moving to NAS Meridian, Mississippi.  We already have orders to be there by the end of the month and a class date by the end of next month. So this week we will be have movers move our little apartment's belongings into a large 18 wheeler truck and start it's way down there ahead of us. We will later follow with some belongings and arrive into MS within a week from now.

When we get to MS we actually don't officially have a place to stay but this is another one of those military familiarities you learn to be flexible with. It's really not a problem because Brian and I now know we officially will have an on base house reserved for us to move into on Nov 7th. Although we are not moving into it right away it's nice to know that it will eventually be open for us :) Brian and I are really excited to be moving into our first house. God even blessed us with a big house, it's 3 bedrooms! We will definitely be setting up a guest room and an office, who knows we may not have enough stuff to fill it out (obviously not the same problem we have here in our current apt.) Once into our house Brian will soon be starting his t45 training and before we know it I am sure we will be thrown into the holidays and living happily in our new little house. 

Although we are happy to be moving on to the next place, we will miss a little bit of Enid. Mainly the people we've met and grown to really like and know. Sure, Brian and I have more Air Force knowledge than Navy due to our current assignment but it's been pretty fun. We have had some really great times with friends and will definitely remember all of them. Thanks everyone in Enid for making it one of the friendliest places I've visited!